// Package kovacou is my personal website
package kovacou

import "github.com/kovacou"

Alexandre Kovac - Golang
Alexandre KOVAC
Backend / Golang Evangelist

こんにちは 😊😎

Love programming since 17 years. My passion is my work. I love challenges, and I solve the impossible in the shadows.

func main() {

An atypical path ; the passion driving my life.

I start programming when I was 11 years old, and my first website I created in 2003. Since then, a new passion has animated my life and a genious engineer has been born. I challenged myself for years by coding games, websites and softwares. Passionated about programming, I learned everything myself. Then I went to university looking for new knowledge. However, university education disappointed me and in 2014 I started working as a full-time IT consultant for an engineer company. I’ve held this position for almost two years. I’ve been working as a startup engineer for four years now. I have to manage my team, make non-standard decisions and find solutions to various situations. In total, I have 6 years of professional experience in the field. I specialize in Golang and the architecture (softwares & databases).

I'm a Golang lover
Challenge me, and I will solve the impossible for you.

I'm learning japanese and I'm looking forward to work in Japan 🇯🇵



  • Go
  • SQL
  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • HTML
  • CSS / LESS
  • Gin Gonic
  • Echo
  • Node
  • Laravel
  • AngularJS
  • Selenium
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Nginx
  • Apache
  • CircleCI
  • RabbitMQ
  • Redis
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Git
  • Github
  • Bitbucket
  • Slack
  • Scrum
  • Microservices
  • N.L.P



Backend Engineer

Since september 2015 (5 years)


In charge of the architecture (softwares & databases) in Go and PHP. I make technical decisions, lead the development team and organize technical meetings with our clients such as Amadeus or CWT.

What I do

  • Go programming
    • Conception of softwares
    • APIs as microservices for B2B & B2C usage
    • Aggregating data from multiple external APIs
    • Booking engine with payment with Stripe
    • Internal frameworks and libraries
    • Recommendation engine (score & scaler)
    • Supervisor & Scheduler to automate process with RabbitMQ
    • Natural Language Processing softwares.
  • DevOps
    • Google Cloud Platform (Compute, APIs)
    • Deployment of Docker applications
    • Monitoring servers
  • Database & Orchestration
    • Deployment of MySQL, MongoDB & Redis
    • Optimization tables & queries
    • Monitoring & replications
  • Continuous integration with Circle CI

What I learned

Need to write some stuffs here.


Visit the website

🏆 Awards

Laureat - Tourisme Innov June 2017
Public Reward - Next Tourisme 2016
  • Go
  • Python
  • Javascript
  • Gin-Gonic
  • Docker
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • MySQL 5.7 & 8
  • MongoDB
  • Nginx
  • RabbitMQ
  • CircleCI
  • Git / Bitbucket
  • Microservices


Fullstack Engineer

January 2015 to September 2015 (9 months)

My mission

What I did

  • PHP programming
    • Conception & Development of the CRM application with Laravel
    • APIs to interact with the front end
    • Implementation of Google APIs such as Drive, Mail & Calendar
    • Auth implementation
  • Front end programming
    • Design of the application with AngularJS
    • Interface with HTML / CSS / LESS
  • Database & Orchestration
    • Deployment of MySQL
    • Optimization tables & queries

What I learned


Visit the website

  • PHP (OOP)
  • SQL
  • Laravel 5
  • AngularJS
  • MySQL 5
  • Google APIs


Fullstack Engineer

May 2014 to December 2014 (8 months)

My mission

What I did

What I learned

  • PHP (OOP)
  • HTML / CSS
  • Javascript
  • Laravel 4
  • MySQL 5
  • oAuth APIs


IT Consultant

Mars 2014 to May 2014 (3 months)

My mission

What I did

What I learned

  • HTML
  • CSS / LESS

Université Nice Sophia Antipolis

D.U.T Informatique

2012 - 2014

  • Algorithmic and programming
  • Architecture, Systems et Networks
  • Tools et Softwares Engineering Models
  • Supervised Project : Cyclades
    • Developping the network interface
    • Responsible of the integration and the network interface between components.
Quit university after semester 3 to start working as freelance
Validation of semester 1 & 2
  • Java
  • RMI
  • Eclipse
  • Unit Testing
  • SVN

Baccalauréat Général

Sciences & Engineer


Graduate in 2011

Portfolio - WebOS version

Portfolio v2


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery

PHP Library

Automatic validation of forms


The project

I made a public library to validate forms in PHP. It was used by some developer since I shared the library on forums. I maintained the library for a year then I focused school.

The Idea was to write rules of your form with "yaml", "xml", "json" & ini format and the library proceed to the validation automatically.

What I learned

I learned that you better work with a team ; you can't do everything alone.

History (screenshots)

  • PHP 5 (OOP)
  • INI

War Destiny

Browser game

2007 - 2009

The project

I build a smilation browser game where you had to build a village and manage your resources. You could as well create an army to attack to other players to steal theirs resources. The game has been made around a "live" map where you could see every element such as : construction, building, flowers, rock, water and armies.

The idea was to create a hybrid between "Age of Empire" & "Travian". I made a battle simulator turn based where the player could decide the initial position of his units.
I hosted the project on my computer and opened port of the familial router to play with my friends only.

  • Game was made with PHP5 (Oriented Object) coupled with MySQL.
  • jQuery was used to do AJAX request and live reloading.
  • Map & geometry was stored in XML.

What I learned

I learned SQL & RDBMS (level transaction, integrity, optimization...), caching, a passion for the architecture and a love for challenges.

History (screenshots)

`Game_Map` class file | `Game_Build` class file
I couldn't find a full backup of the project.

  • PHP 5 (OOP)
  • SQL
  • HTML / CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
  • AJAX
  • MySQL
  • Apache

My first website



A genious engineer is born this day.

Then flash died few years later...

  • HTML / CSS
  • Flash (ActionScript)